
Deploy and Manage Pods

Horizon CD provide deploy and pods management based on Argo CD. You can easily deploy your application instance and check your pods status.

Build and deploy application instance

You can instantiate a pipeline to build and deploy your application instance. Your source code will be compiled, packaged and made to an artifact image in Build task, and the artifact will be released in kubernetes in Deploy task.

  1. from the application instance page, click Build and deploy button
  2. select your git reference and check the differences from the last revision
  3. click Submit button to confirm the build and deploy.

Note that after changing build and deploy configurations, you could run Build and deploy to sync the changes.

Deploy application instance

You can instantiate a pipeline to deploy your application instance based on the last artifact.

  1. from the application instance page, click Deploy button
  2. check the differences from the last revision
  3. click Submit button to confirm the Deploy.

Note that you just need to deploy your application instance to have deploy configurations take effect.

Restart application instance

When your application instance is unhealthy, you may need to restart it. Horizon will initialize new pods and then delete the old pods.

  1. from the application instance page, click Restart button
  2. confirm the Restart.

Rollback application instance

If the new changes are not as expected after released, you can quickly rollback to old revision.

  1. from the application instance page, click on More and select Rollback
  2. select a pipeline to rollback
  3. confirm the rollback.

Free application instance

You can free the unused application instances to save kubernetes resources. Free will destroy all pods and return resources, preserving the application instance configurations. You can only click Deploy to start your application instance up again.

  1. from the application instance page, click on More and select Free
  2. confirm the free.

Check pods

From the application instance page, you can check you pods by Stdout, Events and Monitor in the pods table.

  • Stdout: Check the stdout log for exception information
  • Events: Check the Events for the warning events
  • Monitor: view metrics of the application instance

Login pod terminal

From the application instance page, click Terminal button in the pods table to login pod, which is an implementation of the kubernetes API exec.

Delete pods

You can delete one and more unhealthy pods in order to initialize new pods to replace them.

  1. from the application instance page, select the pods you want to delete in the pods table.
  2. click Delete button and confirm the deletion.