


An application is defined as a set of application instances and provide default configurations for the application instances created under it. The following features about applications are provide:

  • defining application member roles to provide application and application instance RBAC
  • providing statistics of pipelines
  • providing webhook to notify external systems
  • managing access tokens for the resources that need access to the Horizon CD API

Create applications

From the group page, you can click New application button to create a new application. The following table illustrates the application parameters:

NameAn unique name identifier for the application
DescriptionThe description for the application
PriorityThe priority of application instance in kubernetes
Git URLThe git repository of source code
Git revisionThe git reference, which can be branch, tag and commit
Git subfolderOptional subdirectory for the source code, used as a context directory for build
Build configBuild configurations, where you can select build type and other settings
Deploy templateDeploy template, where you can select workload
Template releaseDeploy template, where you can select workload
Template configTemplate configurations, such as health check, target port

Edit applications

For basic information:

  1. click on Details in the sidebar from the application page;
  2. select Edit above to change application settings.

For configurations of specific environment:

  1. click on Details in the sidebar from the application page;
  2. select environment in the dropdown in Application configs card, then click Edit to do changes.

Transfer applications

You can transfer the applications to another group, where your role should be no less than Maintainer.

  1. click on Settings -> Advance in the sidebar from the application page;
  2. select a target group and click Transfer.

Set default region

You can configure the default region for different environments. When you create a application instance for a environment, the default region for the environment is automatically populated.

  1. click on Settings -> Advance in the sidebar from the application page;
  2. select region for environment in the dropdown and click Submit.

Delete applications

When there is no application instance in the application, you can delete it.

  1. click on Details in the sidebar from the application page;
  2. click More -> Delete above to delete your application.