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A member indicates what role a user plays under a particular resource, and the role is bound to a collection of permissions that can be quickly expanded and modified by the administrator through the installation configuration.

Member's permission management

The privileges of a member are determined by the role, and a member with a high privilege role can manage members of the same level or lower privileges.

For example, the owner of a group can add and delete other owner, maintainer, and guest members under the group, and can adjust these members to the role of owner or below. The rank of roles can be configured by the administrator.

Inheritance and overrides

When a user is not added to the member list of a resource, the user's role under this resource is inherited from the parent resource, and when the user is a direct member of both the child resource and the parent resource, his final role is only related to the child resource.


The following roles are provided by horizon by default, in descending order:

  • PE
  • Owner
  • Maintainer
  • Guest
See a list of groups
Create/edit/transfer groups
Link kubernetes
Delete groups
See a list of applications
Create/edit/transfer applications
Set default region
Delete applications
Create/copy/edit/free application instances
Delete application instances
Build/deploy/restart/rollback application instances
Online/offline/delete pods
See a list of pipelineruns
Create/edit/delete tags
Create/delete access tokens
Create/edit/delete webhooks
Create/edit/delete oauth app
See a list of templates
Create/edit/delete template
Create/edit/delete template schema tags

In addition, the top-level group needs to be created by an administrator.

The above roles as well as the rank can be modified by the administrator through the installation configuration.