Horizon Template
What is Horizon Template
Horizon uses a packaging format called Horizon Template
. You can use the Horizon template to deploy various workloads and achieve best practices through a user-friendly form. This document explains the template format and provides basic guidance for building Horizon templates.
Horizon Templates are based on Helm Charts, Json Schema and React JsonSchema Form, so it is important to have a basic understanding of the following knowledge before proceeding:
- Helm Charts
Helm charts contain a series of Kubernetes resources that can be used to deploy various simple or complex applications to a Kubernetes cluster. - Json Schema
Json Schema is a declarative language that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents. - React JsonSchema Form
React JsonSchema Form is a library that generates user-friendly HTML forms based on Json Schema. The form collects user input, which is used to render the chart and generate the final manifest file for deployment to Kubernetes.
Why do we choose React JsonSchema Form
The values.json.schema
specification provided by Helm Chart is mainly for validation, we choose React Json Schema Form mainly because of its stronger form display capabilities. In addition, we applied go template syntax to the json schema file to enhance its flexibility.
Template Structure
A typical Horizon template is organized as a collection of files that match this:
├── Chart.yaml
├── README.md
├── templates
│ ├── _helpers.tpl
│ └── resource.yaml
│── values.yaml
├── schema
│ ├── application.schema.json
│ └── application.ui.schema.json
└── output
└── outputs.yaml
It mainly consists of the following parts:
Helm Chart
Helm chart includes the following files:
├── Chart.yaml
├── README.md
├── templates
│ ├── _helpers.tpl
│ └── resource.yaml
└── values.yaml
- Chart.yaml
A standard Helm Chart file that contains meta-information about the chart, such as the chart name, version, and description.
For example:
apiVersion: v2
name: deployment
description: A Horizon Template Chart for kubernets
type: application
version: 0.0.0
A markdown file that provides documentation and usage instructions for the chart.For example:
# Template name
template description
## Structure
structure descriptiontemplates
A directory contains Go template files that define the Kubernetes resources that will be deployed when the chart is installed. These templates use the values from thevalues.yaml
file and the user input from the form to render the final Kubernetes manifest files.resource.yaml
The main resource manifest file to applyed to Kubernetes, we recommend you to use a unique name for thename
field, such as{{ .Values.horizon.instance }}
, for more built-in parameters, please refer to GitOps Repository Structure.In addition to the built-in parameters, you can also customize the parameters through the json schema. We recommend putting your parameters in
.For example:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: {{ .Values.horizon.instance }}
replicas: {{ .Values.app.spec.replicas }}
{{- include "podLabels" . | nindent 8 }}
- name: {{ .Values.horizon.instance }}
image: {{ .Values.image }}_helpers.tpl
An optional file that contains Go template functions that can be reused across different yaml files.For example:
{{- define "podLabels" -}}
horizoncd.github.io/application: {{ .Values.horizon.application }}
horizoncd.github.io/instance: {{ .Values.horizon.instance }}
horizoncd.github.io/environment: {{ .Values.env.environment }}
{{- end }}
Refer to Helm Chart documentation for more information
Json Schema
The json schema directory format is as follows:
└── schema
├── application.schema.json
└── application.ui.schema.json
application.schema.json is used to generate a user-friendly form for users to create application or instance and validate their inputs, it follows the JSON Schema specification, you need to write this file based on the Helm Chart's values.yaml. You can also use Go template syntax in theapplication.schema.json
file to quote admin tags to conditionally show some special options.For example, if we set an admin tag
, the replicas of instance can exceed the default limit of 30.{
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"app": {
"title": "application",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"spec": {
"type": "object",
"title": "spec",
"properties": {
"replicas": {
"type": "integer",
"title": "replicas",
"default": 1,
"minimum": 0,
{{- .maxReplicas | default 30 }}
The application.ui.schema.json is used to describe the layout and appearance of the form generated by React JsonSchema Form. It can also reference theapplication.schema.json
to customize the form's behavior and appearance.For example:
"ui:order": [
"spec": {
The output
directory includes the following file:
└── output
└── outputs.yaml
It's an optional file that allows the template author to define a set of outputs that can be queried after the template is deployed.The following example is to output the generated domain of instance:
description: the domain for the instance
value: {{ .Values.horizon.instance }}.cloudnative.com
Overall, the Horizon template format allows developers to easily package and distribute Kubernetes-based applications using Helm Charts, while providing a user-friendly form-based input experience using React JsonSchema Form and json schema.
GitOps Repository Structure
Based on this template, users can create applications and instances through a form on the website. We use GitOps approach to managing the resources that are deployed using the Horizon Template, the directory structure of the gitops repo is as follows:
├── Chart.yaml
├── application.yaml
├── manifest.yaml
├── pipeline
│ ├── pipeline-output.yaml
│ └── pipeline.yaml
├── sre
│ └── sre.yaml
├── system
│ ├── env.yaml
│ ├── horizon.yaml
│ └── restart.yaml
└── tags.yaml
The gitops repository is also a Helm chart. It relates to the horizon template through the dependencies function in Chart.yaml.For example:
apiVersion: v2
name: demo
version: 1.0.0
- name: deployment
version: v0.0.1-ec06d596
repository: https://horizon-harbor-core.horizon.svc.instance.local/chartrepo/horizon-templateapplication.yaml
A list of parameters filled in by the user through the form generated by the schema.For example:
- name: test
value: test
replicas: 1
resource: x-smallmanifest.yaml
The version of the template, which is currently 0.0.2.For example
version: 0.0.2
The pipeline-output file contains the output of CI stage, you can control the output content by customizing the CI script. The default CI script will output the address of the built image and git info.Parameter Meaning .Values.image Full path of built image. .Values.git.{ref} Git ref of source code. These types of refs are currently supported: branch,tag,commit .Values.git.commitID Commit id of source code .Values.git.url URL of source code For example:
image: library/demo:v1
branch: master
commitID: 28992d8f35a6ef38d59181080b3728df9540d8d6
url: https://github.com/horizoncd/springboot-source-demo.gitpipeline.yaml
The pipeline.yaml file contains configuration for CI stage, the administrator can customize the json schema of CI stage to extend more build types.Parameter Meaning .Values.buildType Build type of this instance. "dockerfile" is supported by default. .Values.dockerfile.path Path of dockerfile. .Values.dockerfile.content Content of dockefile pipeline:
buildType: dockerfile
path: ./Dockerfile
In some special situations, SRE can override any parameters in the horizon template'svalues.yaml
. For example, if we want to schedule an application to nodes with a specific label, we can modifysre.yaml
as follows:deployment:
- matchExpressions:
- key: cloudnative/demo
operator: In
- "true"sre.yaml is generally used to deal with special requirements, while json schema is used to support general requirements.
There are some files in the system directory, which contain some parameters that you can refer to in the template.
Parameter Meaning .Values.env.environment Environment name .Values.env.region Kubernetes name .Values.env.namespace Namespace name .Values.env.baseRegistry Address of image registry .Values.env.ingressDomain Domain of ingress For example:
environment: local
region: local
namespace: local-1
baseRegistry: horizon-harbor-core.horizon.svc.instance.local
ingressDomain: cloudnative.comhorizon.yaml
Parameter Meaning .Values.horizon.application Application name .Values.horizon.instanceID instance id .Values.horizon.instance instance name .Values.horizon.template.name Template name .Values.horizon.template.release Domain of ingress .Values.horizon.priority Priority of this instance. you can use it for oversale or preemption. For example:
application: demo
instanceID: 1
instance: demo-1
name: deployment
release: v0.0.1-ec06d596
priority: P0restart.yaml
Parameter Meaning .Values.restartTime Restart time of instance.You can use it in the resource annotations for rolling update. For example:
restartTime: "2023-01-06 18:28:49"
How to Add a New Template in Horizon
You can create a new template repository on Github and submit the files according to the above requirements. Then, follow the Template Management Guide to add the new template.